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Local Democrats attend victory party for US Senate nominee John Fetterman

With John going onto win every county in Pennsylvania, the news agencies called the election early and even though LT. Governor John Fetterman was on the shelf recovering from surgery, the atmosphere at the Fetterman victory party was jubilant. Local Democrats Stephanie and Braxton White made the trip down to Pittsburgh for the event to not only celebrate with the Fetterman family, but to also have the privilege of speaking on stage on John's behalf.

Braxton spoke about John's passion for forgotten communities, what that means to a place like Clarion, and how important it is to elect someone who isn't afraid to get their hands dirty to solve a problem.

Gisele Fetterman stole the show, delivering a speech discussing how John was going to rebuild our ignored and forgotten towns by, bringing jobs back to Pennsylvania, addressing inflation, and bringing back the American Dream.

The evening was closed out with a surprise video from John Fetterman himself, and a surprise birthday celebration for young Clarion Dem, Will White. Fetterman's opponent has yet to be decided as a recount continues to determine the Republican nominee.


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